

2014-2018 • PhD and Master’s degree in composition at Harvard University (USA) with Chaya Czernowin
2010-2012 • Master’s degree at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Paris (CNSMDP), in the class of Frédéric Durieux
2010-2011 • IRCAM – Cursus 1
2006-2010 • Bachelors at the Conservatoire of Milan (Italy), in the class of Alessandro Solbiati


2022 • Appointed member of the Akademie der Künste in Berlin
2021 • Premio della critica discografica italiana “Franco Abbiati” the album Earthing
• Bestenliste 4/2021 der deutschen Schallplattenkritik for the album Moult
2020 • Bestenliste 4/2020 der deutschen Schallplattenkritik for the album Earthing
2019 • Resident Fellow for one year at Villa Médicis (Académie de France à Rome)
• Prize Una Vita nella Musica – Giovani
2018 • Ernst von Siemens Composers’ Prize
• Hindemith-Preis
• Prix Francis et Mica Salabert, SACEM

2016 • Bestenliste 2/2016 der deutschen Schallplattenkritik for the album A Failed Entertainment
2015 • Musica Femina München Kompositionspreis
2014 • Stipendium Stiftung Künstlerdorf Schöppingen for six months
• 2nd Prize at the 59. Kompositionspreis Stadt Stuttgart
• Berlin-Rheinsberger Kompositionspreis

2013 • One year resident fellow at the DAAD Berliner Künstler-Programm
• Finalist Gaudeamus prize
2012 • Nominated ‘Boursière Fondation Berger-Levrault’ of the International Center Nadia and Lili Boulanger
2011 • Scholarship Movin’Up, Ministero per i Beni e le attività Culturali e il Gai
• Prize winner AFAM – Divertimento Ensemble composition competition
2010 • Prize winner at the International Composer Pyramid
• 1st prize at the International Composition Competition of the Conservatoire of Milan
• 1st prize at the GAI composition competition of Milan


2021 • [Portrait CD] Iannotta, Clara. MOULT. WDR Orchestra, L’Instant Donné, Wilhem Latchoumia, Klangforum Wien, Münchener Kammerorchester. KAIROS, 0018004 KAI, compact disc.
2020 • [Portrait CD] Iannotta, Clara. Earthing. JACK Quartet. Wergo, WER 64332, compact disc.
2020 • [MOULT] Wittener Tage für neue Kammermusikk 2019. WDR Orchestra. Kulturforum Witten, WDR3, compact disc.
2019 • [Limun] playlist. andPlay. New Focus Recordings, fcr233, compact disc.
2017 • [Il colore dell’ombra] Passage. Longleash. New Focus Recordings, fcr180, compact disc.
2016 • [dead wasps in the jam-jar (i)For Ko. Yuki Numata Resnick. Edition Innova Recordings, Innova 951, compact disc.
2016 • [Portrait CD] Iannotta, Clara. A Failed Entertainment. Ensemble Intercontemporain, Matthias Pintscher, Ensemble Recherche, Talea Ensemble, Orchestre des Èlèves du Conservatoire National Supérieur de Paris, Tito Ceccherini, Quatuor Diotima, Ensemble Garage, Richard Haynes, Trio Catch. Edition Robert Zank, RZ 10023, 2015, compact disc.
2015 • [The people here go mad. They blame the wind.] Wittener Tage für neue Kammermusik 2014. Trio Catch. Kulturforum Witten, WDR3, compact disc

Commissions (selection)

2024 • The purple fuchsia bled upon the ground, commissioned by Westdeutschen Rundfunk & Wien Modern (Germany, Austria)
2023 •  vacant lot (strange bird), commissioned by Ensemble Intercontemporain (France)
2023 • strange bird — no longer navigating by a star, commissioned by ORF
musikprotokoll im steirischen herbst & the Philharmonie Essen for the NOW! Festival (Germany)
2022–23 • where the dark earth bends, commissioned by the Südwestrundfunk for the Donaueschingen Musiktage 2022 (Germany)
2022 • echo from afar (ii), commissioned by hand werk (Germany)
2021–22 • no longer navigating by a star, commissioned by Yaron Deutsch & Uli Fussenegger, supported by Ernst von Siemens Foundation (Germany)
2020–21• Memory jolts. Flashes of pink in the brain, commissioned by Kölner Philharmonie (Germany)
2020 • They left us grief-trees wailing at the wall, commissioned by Ars Nova, Riot Ensemble, and Wien Modern (France, UK, Austria)
2019–20 • a stir among the stars, a making way, commissioned by Klangforum Wien (Austria)
2019–20 • You crawl over seas of granite, commissioned by JACK Quartet, supported by Ernst von Siemens Musikstiftung (USA)
2019 • Eclipse Plumage, commissioned by Daniel Walden (USA)
2018–19 • MOULT, commissioned by Westdeutschen Rundfunk and Wien Modern (Germany, Austria)
2018 • Outer Space, commissioned by Darmstadt Summer Course, supported by the Ulysses Network, co-funded by the creative Europe Programm of the European Union (Germany)
2017–18 • skull ark, upturned with no mast, coproduction Münchener Biennal & Musik der Jahrhunderte Stuttgart, in cooperation with the München, the Berliner Künstlerprogramm des DAAD and the Elektronisches Studio der TU Berlin, supported by Kulturstiftung des Bundes (Germany)
2017–18 • dead wasps in the jam-jar (iii), commissioned by Festival d’Automne à Paris, supported by Ernst von Siemens Foundation and Proquartet Association (France)
2016 • dead wasps in the jam-jar (ii), commissioned by Musica Femina München (Germany)
2015–18 • paw-marks in wet cement, for Wihlem Latchoumia and EOC, supported by Aide à l’écriture d’une oeuvre musicale originale de l’État Français (France)
2015 • Troglodyte Angels Clank By, commissioned by Radio France (France)
2015 • dead wasps in the jam-jar (i), commissioned by Yuki Namata Resnick, supported by the University at Buffalo (USA)
2014 • Intent on Resurrection – Spring or Some Such Thing, commissioned by Festival d’Automne à Paris & Ensemble Intercontemporain (France)
2014 • The people here go mad. They blame the wind., commissioned by Westdeutschen Rundfunk (Germany)
2013 • 3 sur 5, commissioned by Radio France (France)

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